Planning the U.S. Contribution

The U.S. contribution to WOCE is being guided by a national Science Steering Committee (SSC) composed of a dozen scientists. SSC members are appointed by the U.S. WOCE Interagency Panel, representing the five federal agencies that support U.S. WOCE programs: the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Navy's Office of Naval Research.

WOCE planning is largely complete; in the U.S., the planning effort began in 1983 and involved more than 60 meetings and the work of several hundred scientists.

Progress of the U.S. program is described in the U.S. WOCE Implementation Plan, originally published in March 1989 and revised annually. To obtain copies of the Implementation Plan series, other office publications, or more information about U.S. WOCE, contact the U.S. WOCE Office (see "Key U.S. WOCE contacts" for the address).

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