Scripps Institution of Oceanography

I am interested in circulation and transport issues in the Northeast Pacific. The datasets that I am working on consist of direct velocity observations from shipboard and lowered ADCP made along WOCE hydrographic line P17N and moored current meter arrays deployed off of Point Arenas as part of the ONR sponsored Eastern Boundary Currents Experiment.

The WOCE line (May-June 1993) sampled both the subtropical and subpolar gyres, forming a pair of closed boxes between the eastern limbs of these gyres and the west coast of North America. The current meter arrays (August 1992 - August 1994) were located along the southernmost edge of the boxes defined by the survey. Each local dynamics array (LDA) consisted of 5 moorings deployed in a diamond pattern with a single mooring at the center and a mooring separation of about 14 km. Currents and temperatures were measured at 100, 150, 300 and 600 m depth. Three eddy resolving LDAs sampled three distinct regimes: 1) over the continental slope, 2) in deep water just seaward of the slope (inshore edge of the California Current), and 3) in deep water about 400 km offshore (offshore edge of the California Current).

My active research projects include: use of the direct velocity observations to constrain an inverse model of the circulation (with Dave Musgrave), a description of the eddy field from the moored time series (with Michele Morris and EBC current meter PIs), buoyancy and wind forcing and the local heat and momentum balances (with Janet Sprintall and Ted Strub), boundary current transports using the LADCP to look at barotropic flows.

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