SIO 210 projects (Fall, 2019)

Lynne Talley

Publication review (write a short paper):

Length: short –  approximately 1000 words plus references (3 to 4 pages double-spaced) at most. Please follow basic standards for citations within the text and for references (see below). We will provide information on standard formats; if you would like to check in with me prior to handing in your paper, please do. If you would like a good guide to style, formatting, etc., many of us publish in AGU journals. They have a useful resource site You may use other formats as well (Elsevier, Nature, etc).

Pick a topic that falls in the broad range of topics in DPO. Find two papers on the topic: one historical (pre-2005) and one current (post-2010 or so). The earlier paper should be a seminal ("classic") paper for the topic; it should be highly cited and now part of our basic understanding of the ocean. The recent paper can be something more specific that builds on or solves a problem remaining from the original paper. (You don't have to decide whether it will be a "classic".)

In determining which papers to review, it may be helpful to talk with your guidance committee or advisor if you already have one, who know the literature well and can help you use the project to further your own interests in the context of physical oceanography.

Review both papers with special attention to what was learned about the ocean (or an instrument if that is your choice) in the earlier paper that set the stage for the new findings. Of particular interest is what holes were left open by the earlier paper that were filled by the newer one. Of additional interest is what holes are apparently left at present – i.e. some ideas you might glean from the paper about what could be done next, questions left unanswered, etc.

Types of papers: The "classic" can be from a journal or a book chapter, something standard that is found in the library. The recent paper should be from a peer-reviewed journal or book; some journals are electronic only, but make sure in that case that it is a citable journal (e.g. not Wikipedia or a general website).

Citations within text: please include inline citations to your references, within your paragraphs, using full citations such as (Authorname, 2006), or (Authorname & Othername, 2006), or (Authorname et al., 2006), rather than superscripts.

References: Make sure to conclude your paper with a Reference section, using standard citation style, which you can base on styles you find in scientific journal articles (for instance AGU journals such as GRL, JGR, GBC, etc.), or following, for instance, the Chicago manual of style .  For references with online presence only, follow standard practices for citing websites.

Your grade will decrease if you do not include a Reference section.