ONR Arabian Sea (NASCar) Interior Working Group - informal set of links

Information, links

Link to overall ONR Arabian Sea DRI website (password protected; get information from Luca Centurioni)

People: Beal/l'Hegerat, Bulusu, Centurioni, Gordon, Harcourt, Hormann, Jayne, Jensen, Lee, Lermusiaux, Lucas, Mahadevan, Rainville, Riser, Scott, Shcherbina, Skyllingstad, Sprintall, Talley/Wang, Tandon, Todd

Dropbox for NASCar summaries, science plan, etc.

Google Earth map kml file from Andrey Shcherbina


MSEAS Optimal Planning Systems (NASCar-OPS) - Pierre Lermusiaux

Research for NASCar Optimal Planning Systems
Ensemble forecasting for February-March 2017 (NASCar-OPS Sea Ex 17)

Sea gliders - Craig Lee and Andrey Shcherbina


Alamo floats for NASCar - Steve Jayne

Link to all WHOI Alamo float (information and graphics)

Argo profiling floats for NASCar - Steve Riser

Links are to the Ifremer Coriolis plots/diagnostics
5905094 Ifremer link Oxygen
5905082 Ifremer link
5905083 Ifremer link (Deployed at Alamo float site)
5905095 Ifremer link Oxygen
5905084 Ifremer link
5905085 Ifremer link
5905091 Ifremer link Oxygen
5905086 Ifremer link
5905087 Ifremer link
5905092 Ifremer link Oxygen
5905088 Ifremer link
5905089 Ifremer link
5905090 Ifremer link
5905093 Ifremer link Oxygen

Other Argo floats that might be of interest, currently in glider/Alamo float region (March, 2017)
2901857 Ifremer link CSIRO
2901859 Ifremer link CSIRO
2902392 Ifremer link WHOI
2902391 Ifremer link WHOI
2902390 Ifremer link WHOI
2902203 Ifremer link Indian Argo
2902121 Ifremer link Indian Argo
2902123 Ifremer link Indian Argo ; Oxygen, Optical (F, BS)
2902120 Ifremer link Indian Argo ; Oxygen, Optical (F, BS)
2902200 Ifremer link Indian Argo
2902175 Ifremer link Indian Argo ; Oxygen, Optical (F, BS)

Contact information including postdocs (partial list; for full PI contact information, see DRI website http://gdp.ucsd.edu/ldl_project/arabian_sea/contacts.html
Lisa Beal lbeal@rsmas.miami.edu
Luca Centurioni lcenturioni@ucsd.edu
Ramsey Harcourt harcourt@uw.edu
Verena Hormann vhormann@ucsd.edu
Steve Jayne sjayne@whoi.edu
Craig Lee craig@apl.washington.edu
Pierre Lermusiaux pierrel@mit.edu
Luc Rainville rainville@apl.washington.edu
Steve Riser riser@ocean.washington.edu
Pelle Robbins probbins@whoi.edu
Andrey Shcherbina ashcherbina@apl.washington.edu
Lynne Talley ltalley@ucsd.edu
He Wang hew030@ucsd.edu
27 March 2017 L. Talley (to update, please email ltalley@ucsd.edu)