Links to JES websites and field plan summaries

External JES sites:

KORDI web page
CREAMS 1999 meeting web page

JES project sites:

Moored Array in the Japan/East Sea. Randy Watts (URI), Mark Wimbush (URI) and Bill Teague (NRL). Overview of instrumentation moored in the JES June 1999 - June 2001.

Archived ocean color images from SeaWifs data. Bob Arnone. Follow links to Japan Sea. A user name and password are required. Contact Bob Arnone at The website contains continuously updated (near real-time) and archived daily SeaWifs and AVHRR imagery from the Japan Sea.
Browse AVHRR images.

Meteorology: real-time data website for the JES region. Shuyi Chen. Including: surface (hourly) and upper-air (12 hourly) station obs, global model analysis and forecast (e.g., NCEP AVN, ECMWF, etc.), NCEP SST (daily from 7-day running mean, and mean). A few days worth of loops are kept online for now. The raw data will be archived for future use.

Atmospheric Forcing and its Spatial Variability Over the Japan Sea (project website). Bob Beardsley (WHOI), Clive Dorman (SDSU), Dick Limeburner (WHOI) and Alberto Scotti (UNC). The website contains scientific background, the work plan for atmospheric observations in and around the Japan Sea for 1999-2000, analysis of WMO, ECMWF and IR data sets, cruise results, cruise data sets, and Fall AGU 2000 abstracts and posters.

Naval Research Laboratory LINKS program. Gregg Jacobs (remote sensing), Hank Perkins (in situ data), Ruth Preller (POM modeling). Co-PIs: Patrick Hogan (NLOM/MICOM modeling), Harley Hurlburt (NLOM/MICOM modeling), William Teague (in situ data), Zachariah Hallock (in situ data), Dong-Shan Ko (POM modeling), Shelley Reidlinger (NCOM modeling). The website includes remotely sensed sea surface height, a description of the NLOM and POM (sigma coordinate) ocean models, and the Tsushima Strait observational program.

North Pacific model: in 72-hour forecast mode - Ruth Preller (NRL).

Seasoar results from the R/V Revelle survey of the subpolar front, including near real-time results from the February, 2000 cruise, and AGU 2000 presentation. Craig Lee (UW/APL).

Shipboard ADCP data from the R/V Revelle. Charles N. Flagg (BNL). The website includes data from the R/V Revelle legs in the Japan/East Sea. Data are available through an interactive menu.

Link to historical hydrographic data from the Japan/East Sea. Amy Bower and Heather Hunt (WHOI).

Hydrographic data base for the Japan/East Sea (1999-2000), including station information, station tracks and data sets (Talley and Perkins data sets). Data set access requires password from the PI.

Large-scale hydrographic surveys of the Japan Sea (1999-2000). Lynne Talley (SIO). Scientific background, cruise plans, cruise reports, extended abstracts, velocity sections.

PALACE float trajectories and profiles. Steve Riser (UW). Daily updates on float positions and profiles.

Surface drifter trajectories and data files. Peter Niiler (SIO) and Dong-Kyu Lee (PNU). Regular updates on drifter positions and comparison with NCEP and Quikscat winds.

Related data sites:

Sea ice analysis (National Ice Center) - weekly maps, including the most recent week, and archived maps for 1997 and 1998.

Sea ice data products (National Snow and Ice Center) including a multitude of satellite products and analyses. Data catalog only with information on data set contents and instructions for ordering.


Altimetry maps - R. Leben CCAR Colorado

JES investigator project summaries and proposals

ONR JES investigator project summaries.

ONR field projects and charts