ONR JES Modeling, 1998-2000 - Summary Table (under construction)

Distribution of data and model output Back to main ONR JES site.
Type - project summaries PI/website Model Areal Coverage Temporal Coverage Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Boundary Conditions
Coupled biological, ocean, atmosphere models Clayson/Kantha NCAR MM5U/CU-POM JES Temporal Coverage Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Boundary Conditions
Ocean models Hogan/Hurlburt Navy Layered Ocean Model (NLOM) JES 1979-present 1/8 to 1/64 degree 6 layers 3.05 days Specified inflow/outflow and various wind forcing
Ocean models Preller/Ko/Reidlinger Princeton Ocean Model (sigma coordinate) South China Sea - JES (98E-180E) 1993-present 1/8 degree 24 levels 12 hours Climatological T&S, NOGAPS winds, NOGAPS heat flux
Nowcast/forecast models Mooers/Chen Model types? JES Temporal Coverage Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Boundary Conditions
Ocean models Ou Lamont Ocean Circulation Model Tsushima Current Temporal Coverage Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Boundary Conditions
Atmospheric model Rogerson Shallow water Vladivostok gap/Sikhote-Alin range Temporal Coverage Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Boundary Conditions