ONR JES Observations - Summary Table - under construction

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Listing and charts for in situ projects and remote sensing
Distribution of data and model output
General Type Type - project summaries PI/project website Areal Coverage Vertical Coverage Temporal Coverage
Velocity Surface drifters Niiler Overall - 55 drifters 15 m drogue 1999-2001
Velocity PALACE floats Riser Overall - 30 floats 1000 m 1999-2000
Velocity Current meters Watts Ulleung Basin To bottom 1999-2001
Velocity Current meters Hogg* Central Basin To bottom xx
Velocity/transport ADCP moorings Perkins Tsushima Strait Bottom to surface 1999-2000
Velocity Shipboard ADCP Flagg All Revelle cruises 0-300 m Summer 1999
Velocity Lowered ADCP profiles Hacker/Talley Talley cruises 0-bottom Summer 1999
Cable transport Cable Nakata* Soya, Tsugaru Straits Areal average Ongoing
Dynamic height IES moorings Watts Ulleung Basin Bottom to surface 1999-2001
Hydrography Station profiles Talley Overall Top-to-bottom Summer '99 and Winter '00
Hydrography Station profiles Lobanov Eddy near Vladivostok Upper ocean March, October '99
Hydrography Station profiles Perkins Tsushima Strait Surface-bottom Cruise duration
Hydrography Station profiles Lee Subpolar front Calibration Cruise duration
Hydrography PALACE T/S profiles Riser Overall Surface-1000 m 1999-2000
Hydrography Continuous profiling - Seasoar Lee Subpolar front Surface-xx m Cruise duration
Hydrography Continuous profiling - glider Eriksen Subpolar Front Surface-xx m xx
Hydrography Continuous profiling - VPR Ashjian Revelle Talley cruise Surface-xx m Summer '99
Hydrography Historical station/XBT data Bower Overall Overall Historical
Hydrography Historical data Gordon/Ali Japanese region Overall Historical Japanese
Hydrography Historical data D.-K. Lee Korean region Overall Historical Korean
Hydrography Historical data Talley/Minami Honshu region (Maizuru Marine Obs.) Overall Historical Japanese
Hydrography Historical data Talley/Nakata Hokkaido region (Hokkaido Fisheries) Overall Historical Japanese
Hydrography Historical data products Riser Russian region (FERHRI) Overall Historical Russian
Acoustics Sound speed Spindel/Howe xx xx xx
Optics Atten. coeff. - stations Mitchell Overall Surface-xx m Talley Revelle/Khromov cruises
Optics Atten. coeff. - towed Jones Subpolar front Surface-xx m Lee Revelle cruise
Optics Atten. coeff. - towed Ashjian Japanese/Korean region Surface-xx m Talley Revelle cruise
Optics Surface color SeaWifs Arnone Overall Surface Real-time
Biology Zooplankton distribution Ashjian Japanese/Korean region Surface-xx m Talley Revelle cruise
Meteorology Shipboard Beardsley Overall Surface Cruise duration
Meteorology Aircraft soundings Friehe Overall Boundary layer Winter '99/'00
Meteorology Balloon soundings Dorman Overall Surface-tropopause? Winter cruises
Meteorology Met. station Dorman Vladivostok Surface 1999-2000
Meteorology ECMWF Hurlburt/ Chen /Kantha Overall Overall Throughout
Meteorology Syntheses/ECMWF Dorman Overall Overall Throughout
SST Satellite imagery Arnone Overall Surface Real-time
SST Satellite imagery Chen Overall Surface Real-time
Surface height Altimetry Kantha Overall Surface Real-time
Surface height Altimetry Jacobs Overall Surface Real-time