SIO 210: Introduction to Physical Oceanography, Fall, 2000

Note that these notes are being replaced in Fall 2002.
New SIO210 site

Physical description of the sea; physical properties of seawater, methods and measurements, boundary processes, regional oceanography. Prerequisites: the mathematics and physics required for admission to the graduate curriculum in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (to see the general admission requirements, click here.) or consent of the instructor.

This course is team taught by Myrl Hendershott and Lynne Talley.

The figures found in the highlighted areas are just a few of those used in Talley's lectures. These plots and limited text are background for the coursework. The texts are evolving. They may not be used for other purposes without permission. Notes, study questions and additional figures for Talley's lectures will be placed here on an informal, continuing basis.

The course url is

Please note that this is an informal and incomplete set of notes for a graduate level introductory physical oceanography course. Figures which are from copyrighted sources include the reference.

Hendershott and Talley syllabus
including information on supporting readings.

Hendershott and Talley SIO library reserve list
Bibliography for Talley portion
Properties of seawater - subroutines
Talley topic 1: Introduction to ocean circulation

Study questions for topic 1
Talley topic 2: Properties of seawater
Study questions for topic 2
Talley topic 3: Dynamic quantities, transports and forcing
Study questions for topic 3
Talley aquarium lecture: Measurement methods for large scale oceanography
Talley topic 4: North Pacific circulation, water masses, wind forcing
Study questions for topic 4
Talley topic 5: North Atlantic circulation, water masses, thermohaline forcing
Study questions for topic 5
Talley topic 6: Southern hemisphere and global circulation
Study questions for topic 6
Talley topic 7: Circulation: equatorial and eastern boundary
Study questions for topic 7
Talley topic 8: Variability: Monsoons, El Nino, Decadal
Study questions for topic 8