Bibliography and Related Links


Primary citations:

KANEKO, I., TAKATSUKI, Y., AND KAMIYA, H. 2001 Circulation of intermediate and deep waters in the Phillipine Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 57(4), 397-420.

KANEKO, I., Y. TAKATSUKI, H. KAMIYA AND S. KAWAE 1998 Water property and current distributions along the WHP-P9 section (137-142E) in the western north Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C6), 12959-12984.

Johnson, G. C., P. E. Robbins, and G. E. Hufford. 2001. Systematic Adjustments of Hydrographic Sections for Internal Consistency. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 18, 1234-1244.

Key R. M., A. Kozyr, C. L. Sabine, K. Lee, R. Wanninkhof, J. L. Bullister, R. A. Feely, F. J. Millero, C. Mordy, T.-H. Peng (2004), A global ocean carbon climatology: Results from Global Data Analysis Project (GLODAP), Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18, GB4031, doi:10.1029/2004GB002247.

Other citations:

Aoki Y, Suga T, Hanawa K Subsurface subtropical fronts of the North Pacific as inherent boundaries in the ventilated thermocline JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 32 (8): 2299-2311 AUG 2002

Bingham FM, Suga T, Hanawa K Origin of waters observed along 137 degrees E JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS 107 (C7): Art. No. 3073 JUL 2002

Ishii M, Inoue HY, Matsueda H, et al. Seasonal variation in total inorganic carbon and its controlling processes in surface waters of the western North Pacific subtropical gyre MARINE CHEMISTRY 75 (1-2): 17-32 JUL 2001

Johnson, G. C., M. J. McPhaden, and E. Firing. 2001. Equatorial Pacific Ocean horizontal velocity, divergence, and upwelling. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 839-849. Rowe, G. D., E. Firing, and G. C. Johnson. 2000. Pacific Equatorial Subsurface Countercurrent velocity, transport, and potential vorticity. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 1172-1187.

Johnson, G. C., E. Kunze, K. E. McTaggart, and D. W. Moore. 2002. Temporal and spatial structure of the Equatorial Deep Jets in the Pacific Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 3396-3407.

Johnson, G. C., B. M. Sloyan, W. S. Kessler, and K. E. McTaggart. 2002. Direct measurements of upper ocean currents and water properties across the tropical Pacific Ocean during the 1990's. Progress in Oceanography, 52, 31-61.

Kobashi F, Hanawa K Hydrographic features off the southeast coast of Kyushu during the Kuroshio small meanders: A case study for small meanders that occurred in 1994 and 1995 spring JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY 60 (4): 645-661 AUG 2004

Nakano T, Kaneko I, Endoh M, et al. Interannual and decadal variabilities of NPIW salinity minimum core observed along JMA's hydrographic repeat sections JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY 61 (4): 681-697 AUG 2005

Siedler G, Holfort J, Zenk W, et al. Deep-water flow in the Mariana and Caroline Basins JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 34 (3): 566-581 MAR 2004

You YZ, Suginohara N, Fukasawa M, et al. Transport of North Pacific Intermediate Water across Japanese WOCE sections JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS 108 (C6): Art. No. 3196 JUN 19 2003

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Ports: Tokyo - Palau - Guam
Dates: July 9, 1994 - August 19, 1994

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