Hydrographic measurements in support of Japan/East Sea circulation, ventilation and frontal process studies 1999-2001

Lynne D. Talley
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD 0230
9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0230
(858) 534-6610; ltalley at ucsd edu; http://sam.ucsd.edu

Vyacheslav Lobanov, Pavel Tishchenko, Vladimir Ponomarev, Vladimir Luchin (formerly at FERHRI)
Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
43, Baltiyskaya Street, Vladivostok, Russia 690041

Link to ONR project website/data archive for all investigators: http://www2.apl.washington.edu/projects/JES/start.html

Cruise reports

April 1999 R/V Gordienko station location chart
Station list (April, 1999)

Summer 1999 R/V Revelle and Professor Khromov station location chart - completed stations

Cruise report: R/V Revelle HNRO7 summer, 1999 (updated April 2006) (pdf version)
R/V Revelle HNRO7 summer, 1999 (updated April 2006)
Cruise report: R/V Professor Khromov KH36 summer, 1999 (updated April 2006) (pdf version)
R/V Professor Khromov KH36 summer, 1999 (updated April 2006)

February-March 2000 R/V Professor Khromov station location chart - completed stations

Cruise report: R/V Professor Khromov KH38 winter, 2000 (updated April 2006) (pdf version)
R/V Professor Khromov KH38 winter, 2000 (updated April 2006)

Data base and extra graphics

Hydrographic data base and vertical section graphics for the Japan/East Sea, including data from three SIO/FEHRHI/POI cruises (Revelle and 2 Khromov cruises) and NRL cruises

Ulleung Basin velocity sections - geostrophic, shipboard ADCP and lowered ADCP (Shcherbina and Talley)

Publications based on the shipboard hydrographic data (partial list)

Talley, L. D., V. Lobanov, V. Ponomarev, A. Salyuk, P. Tishchenko, I. Zhabin and S. Riser, 2003. Deep convection and brine rejection in the Japan Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(4), 1159, doi:10.1029/2002GL016451. Local link to GRL pdf.

Talley, L. D., P. Tishchenko, V. Luchin, A. Nedashkovskiy, S. Sagalaev, D.-J. Kang, M. Warner and D.-H. Min, 2004. Atlas of Japan (East) Sea hydrographic properties in summer, 1999. Progress in Oceanography, 61 (2-4), 277-348, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2004.06.011.
pdf of published (printed) version of this paper with primarily black and white figures.
Supplementary color sections and maps (248 pages, formatted and indexed into a single volume). The individual plots in this combined pdf appear on the Elsevier website, linked as Appendix A.

Deep-Sea Research II Special Issue on the Japan/East Sea,2005.
Riser, S.C. and G. Jacobs, 2005. The Japan/East Sea: A historical and scientific introduction. Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 1359-1362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.05.002.

Min, D.-H and M. Warner, 2005. Basin-wide circulation and ventilation study in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) using chlorofluorocarbon tracers. Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 1580-1616. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2003.11.003.

Postlethwaite, C. F., E.J. Rohling, W.J. Jenkins, and C.F. Walker, 2005. A tracer study of ventilation of the Japan/East Sea. Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 1684-1704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.07.032.

Oceanography Special Issue on the Japan/East Sea, 2006.

Talley, L. D., D.-H. Min, V. B. Lobanov, V. A. Luchin, V. I. Pnomarev, A. N. Salyuk, A. Shcherbina, P. Y. Tishchenko, and I. Zhabin, 2006. Japan/East Sea water masses and their relation to the sea's circulation. Oceanography, 19, 32-49. Local link to Oceanography pdf.

Park, G.-H., K. Lee, P. Tishchenko, K.-H. Min, M. J. Warner, L. D. Talley, D.-J. Kang and K.-R. Kim, 2006. Large accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in the East (Japan) Sea and its significant impact on carbonate chemistry Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB4013, doi:10.1029/2005GB002676, 13 pp. [pdf]

Tishchenko, P. Y., L. D. Talley, V. Lobanov, A. Nedashkovskiy, G. Yu. Pavlova, and S.G. Sagalaev, 2007. The influence of geochemical processes in the near-bottom layer on the hydrochemical characteristics of the waters of the Sea of Japan. Oceanology, 47, 350-359. [pdf]

Extended abstracts, presentations, proposal text

Talley, L. D., V. Lobanov, V. Luchin, P. Tishchenko, V. Ponamarev, I. Zhabin, 2000. Hydrographic observations in the Japan/East Sea with emphasis on winter, 2000, and the formation of the intermediate salinity maximum. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophy. Un., 81, F720.

Talley, L.D., V. Lobanov, P. Tishchenko, V. Ponamarev, A. Sherbinin and V. Luchin, 2000. Hydrographic observations in the Japan/East Sea in winter, 2000, with some results from summer, 1999. Extended abstract from CREAMS 2000, Vladivostok.

Talley, L.D., P. Y. Tishchenko, G. Mitchell G., D.-J. Kang, D.-H. Min, A. Nedashkovskiy, D. Masten, P. Robbins, 2001. Nitrite in a deep oxygenated environment - the Japan/East Sea and Ulleung Basin (Powerpoint presentation from CREAMS 2001, Honolulu),

Lobanov,V., A. Salyuk, V. Ponamarev, L. Talley, K. Kim, K. Kim, S. Sagalaev, G. Kim, 2002. Japan/East Sea Bottom Water renewal in winter 2001. EOS (Ocean Sciences), 83, OS79.

Talley, L., V. Lobanov, P. Tishchenko, V. Ponamarev, A. Salyuk, S. Sagalaev, I. Zhabin, 2002. Winter convection and brine rejection in the Japan/East Sea. EOS (Ocean Sciences), 83, OS79.

Salyuk, A., V. Lobanov, L. Talley, V. Ponamarev, A. Nedashkovskiy, A. Obzhirov, S. Sagalayev, S. Ladychenko, 2002. Formation and propagation of bottom water anomaly in the Japan/East Sea. EOS (Ocean Sciences), 83, OS79.

Talley, L. D., V. Lobanov, P. Tishchenko, A. Shcherbina, D. Rudnick, A. Salyuk, S. Sagalaev, V. Ponamarev, and I. Zhabin, 2002. Dense winter water mass formation in the northwestern Pacific marginal seas. European Geophysical Society, April, 2002.

Talley, L. D., V. Lobanov, V. Ponomarev, A. Salyuk, P. Tishchnko, I. Zhabin, S. Riser, 2002. Deep convection and brine rejection in the Japan Sea. CREAMS 2002, Seoul, Korea.

Lobanov, V., A. Salyuk, V. Ponomarev, L. Talley, K. Kim, K.-R. Kim, P. Tishchenko, D.-J. Kang, G. Kim and S. Sagalaev, 2002. Observation of new bottom water formation in the Japan/East Sea during severely cold winter of 2000-2001, Extended abstract, CREAMS 2002, Seoul, Korea.

Talley, L. D., A. Shcherbina, P. Tishchenko, V. Lobanov, S. Gladyshev, V. Ponomarev, 2002. The exchange between northwest Pacific marginal seas and the North Pacific and its influence on North Pacific water mass properties. American Geophysical Union, EOS, Trans. AGU. 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS22E-09. San Francisco. (invited)

Talley, L. D., A. Shcherbina, P. Tishchenko, V. Lobanov, S. Gladyshev, V. Ponomarev, 2003. Impact of the northwest Pacific marginal seas on North Pacific water masses. European Geophysical Society/American Geophysical Union, Nice, France. (invited). Geophys. Res. Abs., 5, 04934.

Park, G., K. Lee, P. Tishchenko, D. Min, L. D. Talley, D. Kang, K. Kim, 2006. An Anthropogenic CO2 inventory in the East (Japan) Sea and its effect on carbonate chemistry. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suupl., Abstract OS35G-08.

Ponomarev, V., L. Talley, S. Sagalaev, N. Rudykh, A. Salyuk, 2004. Oxygen minimum in the Japan Sea. European Geosciences Union, Nice, France, EGU04-A-04613.

Talley, L. D. and P. Tishchenko, 2004. Denitrification in the well-oxygenated northwestern Pacific marginal seas. (Powerpoint presentation from EGU 2004, Nice, France.)

Tishchenko, P., V. Lobanov, A. Nedashkovskiy, G. Pavlova, S. Sagalaev, M. Shvetsova and L. Talley, 2006. Peculiarities in distribution of the N:P ratio in sea water of the Japan/East Sea (Powerpoint presentation from PICES 2006, Victoria, BC),

Proposal text with some additional figures.

Updated May 19, 2017